The #5 Mistake Of Business Owners

Can you predict if these are the customers you really want?

Three signs that you’ve hit a ceiling in your business

I’m Linda Feinholz. I work with business owners that are frustrated. They’ve got a business they know they couldn’t be absent from for 90 days.

Joe hadn’t planned on it. Went in for a planned surgery that was supposed to put him out of action for a week. Then there were complications. When he got back on Day 91 he was profoundly grateful that everything was still working.

There are 3 signs that I see every time a business owner comes to me that I know to look for if their current model needs tweaking.

The first sign is the answer to my question “IF you had to be absent from your business for 90 days, What state would it be in on Day 91?”

When that owner gets silent, I know they know that I know what they know…

Things could be dire.

The second sign is whether you can tell me your company’s Net Promoter Score.

What is that? It’s a calculated number from a 2-questions survey customers are sent, which just happens to be PROVEN to predict the upcoming growth of your business.

It’s not about customer loyalty, or how nicely your customer service folks answered customer questions. It’s asking clients to score one specific question on a scale of 1 to 10, and to answer one specific open ended question. Once you have the answers, you know what you’d better be working on in the next six months.

The third sign is whether you know all your key customers on a first name basis. When they have questions or run into issues they ask for YOU… and you step in and take the call, solve the issue. Those clients don’t have a relationship with your company, they have one with you.

Guess what, if they do, it’s a terrible sign that your customers are relying on you and not on your sales team, your service team, your products and services, for their next purchase decision.

Yikes. In a banker’s eyes your company’s risk score just went off the scale! In a prospective buyer’s eyes you’re running a giant job rather than a company.

So here you are, hoping to have a business that you have more control of and you’re holding on tightly. You’re creating the worst outcome and stifling the company.

The value of your company is probably about 55% of what it could be… and you are stuck in it!

If you’d like to understand more clearly how to turn this around in your business, or you know another business owner facing this challenge who would like to get past the ceiling on their business, come to

We’ll talk soon.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways we can help you stabilize and grow your business:

1. Grab a free copy of our Guide and Checklist

It’s the roadmap to creating a stable, scalable, valuable business that is so healthy you could be absent for ninety days and it would continue to thrive. — Click Here

2. Join the On Day 91 group and connect with business owners who are resetting and scaling too

It’s our new Facebook community where smart business owners learn to get more control of their business, value for their company, and freedom in how they use their time. — Click Here

3. Join our Momentum Program and be a Case Study

We’re putting together a new case study group at On Day 91 this month… stay tuned for details. If you’d like to work with Linda on your business-pivoting and growth plans… just send her a message with the words “Case Study”. — Click Here

4. Work with Linda and her team privately

If you’d like to work directly with Linda and the On Day 91 team to take you and your business to it’s next level… just send Linda a message and with the word “Private”… tell her a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details! — Click Here


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